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Ediciones Jaguar

Yo soy Adila

Yo soy Adila

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Adila es una niña pakistaní que adora el colegio y sueña con llegar a ser profesora o médico. Un día escucha a su padre diciendo que ella estaría más segura en casa, con sus padres. Triste y preocupada, Adila habla con su profesora. Al día siguiente la profesora visita a los padres de la niña y les cuenta la historia de Malala Yousafzai, Premio Nobel de la Paz en 2014. La vida y la lucha de Mulala Yousafzai en forma de álbum ilustrado, que nos presenta la situación real de muchas niñas que se ven obligadas a renunciar a su infancia, sus derechos y su futuro, aportando una visión combativa e invitando a la defensa de lsus derechos.
  • Transadapted
  • Hardback

English Translation

I Am Adila

Adila is a Pakistani girl who loves school and dreams of becoming a teacher or a doctor. One day she overhears her father saying that she would be safer at home with her parents. Saddened and worried, Adila talks to her teacher. The next day the teacher visits the girl's parents and tells them the story of Malala Yousafzai, 2014 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate. The life and struggle of Mulala Yousafzai in the form of an illustrated album, which presents the real situation of many girls who are forced to give up their childhood, their rights and their future, providing a combative vision and inviting the defense of their rights.

Reading Levels


  • 7
  • 8
  • 9


  • Grade 2
  • Grade 3
  • Grade 4

Book Details

Vendor: Ediciones Jaguar

Binding: Hardback

Type: Picture Book

Copyright: 2016

Publisher: Ediciones Jaguar

Genre: Realistic Fiction

Fiction or Non Fiction: Fiction

Subject: Social Studies: Geography/History/Economics/Civics

Type of Spanish Book: Transadapted

Pages: 32

Author/Illustrator Details

Author: Fulvia Degl'Innocenti
Author Origin: Italy
Illustrator: Italy
IIlustrator Origin: Anna Forlati


Dimensions: 8 x 0.15 x 10 inches

Weight (Ounces):

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