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¡Los videovampiros atacan de nuevo! Nadie sabe mejor que Ricardo Fernández que los excesos no siempre son buenos, especialmente cuando se trata de videojuegos. Obsesionado por ganar, Ricardo se convierte en la siguiente víctima de los videovampiros, que le chupan la energía y el tiempo, convirtiéndolo en un zombi huraño de cara pálida y mirada perdida. ¿Permitirá Ricardo que los videovampiros se adueñen de su vida? ¿Olvidará todo aquello que realmente le importa, como la escuela, la familia o los amigos, o encontrará la manera de protegerse ante estas terroríficas criaturas?
  • Transadapted
  • Paperback

English Translation

Video Vampires

Video vampires strike again! Nobody knows better than Ricardo Fernandez that excesses are not always good, especially when it comes to video games. Obsessed with winning, Ricardo becomes the next victim of the video vampires, who suck his energy and time, turning him into a sullen zombie with a pale face and a blank stare. Will Ricardo allow the video vampires to take over his life? Will he forget everything that really matters to him, like school, family or friends, or will he find a way to protect himself from these terrifying creatures?

Reading Levels


  • 7
  • 8


  • Grade 1
  • Grade 2

Book Details

Vendor: Edebe

Binding: Paperback

Type: Picture Book

Copyright: 2015

Publisher: Edebe

Genre: Humor

Fiction or Non Fiction: Fiction

Subject: Social-Emotional Learning

Type of Spanish Book: Transadapted

Pages: 32

Author/Illustrator Details

Author: Jennifer Moore-Mallinos
Author Origin: None
Illustrator: None
IIlustrator Origin: Gustavo Mazali


Dimension: 9.3 x 0.1 x 9.4 inches

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