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SM Ediciones

Uno de esos días

Uno de esos días

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A veces los adultos son difíciles de soportar. Mika lo sabe. Sus papás están en uno de esos días en que todo les molesta. Por eso decide que lo mejor es salir a platicar con el gato Tomás. Pero cuando están de buenas, ella y sus papás son capaces de convertir la casa en una nave espacial y de vaciar tazones enteros de palomitas. Eso ocurre casi siempre, pero, hoy fue uno de esos días...
  • Authentic
  • Paperback

English Translation

One of Those Days

Sometimes adults are hard to stand. Mika knows that. Her parents are having one of those days when everything bothers them. So she decides the best thing to do is to go out and talk to Tomás the cat. But when they are in a good mood, she and her parents are capable of turning the house into a spaceship and emptying entire bowls of popcorn. That's almost always the case, but today was one of those days....

Reading Levels


  • <6
  • 7
  • 8


  • Grade K
  • Grade 1
  • Grade 2

Book Details

Vendor: SM Ediciones

Binding: Paperback

Type: Early Reader

Copyright: 2016

Publisher: SM Ediciones

Genre: Realistic Fiction

Fiction or Non Fiction: Fiction

Subject: Family

Type of Spanish Book: Authentic

Pages: 47

Author/Illustrator Details

Author: Karen Chacek
Author Origin: Mexico
Illustrator: None
IIlustrator Origin: Cecilia Rébora


Dimensions: 5.43 x 0.15 x 8.27 inches

Weight (Ounces):

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