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Fodo de Cultura Económica

Una botella al mar de Gaza

Una botella al mar de Gaza

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Tal, una chica hebrea de 16 años, se encuentra en casa cuando una bomba estalla en su barrio. Acostumbrada a escuchar este tipo de noticias en la radio o la televisión, se siente consternada al ser tocada tan de cerca por el odio. Para entender qué pasa del otro lado, cómo piensan y sienten los palestinos, decide lanzar una botella al mar y establecer un contacto, un diálogo que le permita vislumbrar la realidad palestina, saltar la franja que los separa. Naïm responde a su mensaje de manera hosca y burlona; sin embargo, poco a poco su ironía se irá transformando en confianza y a través de sus cartas podemos ver los dos lados de un conflicto.
  • Transadapted
  • Paperback

English Translation

A Bottle to the Gaza Sea

Tal, a 16-year-old Hebrew girl, is at home when a bomb explodes in her neighborhood. Accustomed to hearing this kind of news on the radio or television, she is shocked to be touched so closely by hatred. To understand what is happening on the other side, how the Palestinians think and feel, she decides to throw a bottle into the sea and establish a contact. This opens a dialogue that will allow her to glimpse the Palestinian reality, to jump over the strip that separates them. Naïm responds to his message in a sullen and mocking way; however, little by little his irony will be transformed into confidence and through his letters we can see the two sides of a conflict.

Reading Levels


  • 14+


  • Grade 9-12

Book Details

Vendor: Fodo de Cultura Económica

Binding: Paperback

Type: Chapter Book

Copyright: 2008

Publisher: Fodo de Cultura Económica

Genre: Historical Fiction

Fiction or Non Fiction: Fiction

Subject: Social Studies: Geography/History/Economics/Civics

Type of Spanish Book: Transadapted

Pages: 125

Author/Illustrator Details

Author: Valérie Zenatti
Author Origin: France
Illustrator: None
IIlustrator Origin: None


Dimension: 5.5 x 0.25 x 9

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