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Grupo Planeta

Sendero de los conejos azules

Sendero de los conejos azules

Regular price $8.49 USD
Regular price Sale price $8.49 USD
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Anuncios de neón, pantallas y altavoces dominan la ciudad: ventas, órdenes y entretenimiento son el paisaje sonoro. La urbe es tan inmensa como hostil, pero no lo es todo. Hay algo más allá. Es cuestión de franquear el muro, la barrera entre la miseria de Andrés y su libertad. Él, que en otro tiempo habría sido un joven, vive para trabajar, paliar su enfermedad y abandonarse a las alucinaciones que le induce un aparato. Hasta que empieza a ver los conejos azules…
  • Authentic
  • Paperback

English Translation

Blue Rabbit Trail

Neon ads, screens and speakers dominate the city: sales, orders and entertainment are the soundscape. The city is as immense as it is hostile, but it is not everything. There is something beyond. It is a matter of crossing the wall, the barrier between Andrew's misery and his freedom. He, who once would have been a young man, lives to work, alleviate his illness and abandon himself to the hallucinations induced by a device. Until he starts to see the blue rabbits...

Reading Levels


  • 14+


  • Grade 9-12

Book Details

Vendor: Grupo Planeta

Binding: Paperback

Type: Chapter Book

Copyright: 2021

Publisher: Grupo Planeta

Genre: Science Fiction

Fiction or Non Fiction: Fiction


Type of Spanish Book: Authentic

Pages: 296

Author/Illustrator Details

Author: Erika Zepeda
Author Origin: Mexico
Illustrator: None
IIlustrator Origin: None


Dimensions: 13 x 19 cm

Weight (Ounces):

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Sendero de los conejos azules
Sendero de los conejos azules
Sendero de los conejos azules
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