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SM Ediciones

República mutante

República mutante

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Los Topete son todo un caso: un inventor y revolucionario a prueba de fracasos, una ama de casa toda buenas intenciones que no se concretan, una niña amante de lo tétrico y un coleccionista de costras componen esta familia tan singular, por así decirlo, que busca salir de un barrio asfixiante de la ciudad de México para hallar una vida mejor. Y parece que van a conseguirlo: les ha llegado la oportunidad de mudarse a Pangea, país de reciente creación que busca pobladores afanosamente, pero que esconde más que progreso y felicidad para quienes, como los Topete, se atrevan a habitarlo. República mutante es humor negro mexicano en su más lúcida y fina expresión. A diez años de publicada por haber obtenido un prestigiosos premio de literatura juvenil, ya es justo que también los lectores adultos disfruten esta hilarante sátira social.
  • Authentic
  • Paperback

English Translation

Mutant Republic

The Topete are quite a case: a fail-safe inventor and revolutionary, a housewife with all good intentions that do not come to fruition, a girl who loves the gloomy, and a collector of scabs make up this unique family that seeks to leave a suffocating neighborhood in Mexico City to find a better life. And it seems that they are going to achieve it: the opportunity has come for them to move to Pangea, a recently created country that is eagerly looking for settlers, but that hides more than progress and happiness for those who, like the Topete, dare to inhabit it. Mutant Republic is Mexican black humor in its most lucid and fine expression. Ten years after it was published for having won a prestigious youth literature award, it is only fair that adult readers also enjoy this hilarious social satire.

Reading Levels


  • 14+


  • Grade 9-12

Book Details

Vendor: SM Ediciones

Binding: Paperback

Type: Chapter Book

Copyright: 2018

Publisher: SM Ediciones

Genre: Science Fiction

Fiction or Non Fiction: Fiction

Subject: Latin American History and Culture

Type of Spanish Book: Authentic

Pages: 198

Author/Illustrator Details

Author: Jaime Alfonso Sandoval
Author Origin: Mexico
Illustrator: None
IIlustrator Origin: None


Dimensions: None

Weight (Ounces):

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