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Fodo de Cultura Económica



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Punkzilla, un adolescente de catorce años que acaba de desertar de Buckner, una academia militar, tiene como misión atravesar los Estados Unidos para encontrarse con su hermano enfermo de cáncer. La trama se desarrolla entre moteles de mala muerte, estaciones de autobuses y paseos en carretera. Una impactante novela construida con las cartas que Punkzilla escribe a su hermano a lo largo del viaje en el que el protagonista intentará encontrar su identidad al mismo tiempo que conocerá a peculiares personajes que lo acompañarán hasta llegar a su destino.
  • Transadapted
  • Paperback

English Translation


Punkzilla, a fourteen-year-old teenager who has just dropped out of Buckner, a military academy, is on a mission to cross the United States to meet his cancer-stricken brother. The plot unfolds between sleazy motels, bus stations and road trips. A powerful novel built with the letters that Punkzilla writes to his brother along the journey in which the protagonist will try to find his identity while he will meet peculiar characters that will accompany him until he reaches his destination.

Reading Levels


  • 13
  • 14+


  • Grade 9-12

Book Details

Vendor: Fodo de Cultura Económica

Binding: Paperback

Type: Chapter Book

Copyright: 2016

Publisher: Fodo de Cultura Económica

Genre: Realistic Fiction

Fiction or Non Fiction: Fiction


Type of Spanish Book: Transadapted

Pages: 160

Author/Illustrator Details

Author: Adam Rapp
Author Origin: USA
Illustrator: None
IIlustrator Origin: None


Dimensions: 13.97 x 1.27 x 22.86 cm

Weight (Ounces):

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