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No cualquier dia

No cualquier dia

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Valli pasa sus días recogiendo carbón en Jharia, un poblado de la India. Vive con sus tíos y primos, y le han dicho que sus papás murieron, pero eso no parece preocuparle demasiado. En realidad, su temor más grande son los monstruos que están al otro lado de las vías del tren. Un día, su prima Elamma le confiesa que sus papás no están muertos y que la dieron en adopción a cambio de dinero. Sin motivos para quedarse en Jharia, Valli decide escapar en un camión que la lleva a Kolkata. Ahí aprende a sobrevivir sola y descubre que tiene algo en común con los monstruos que tanto temía: está enferma de lepra.
  • Transadapted
  • Paperback

English Translation

No Ordinary Day

Valli spends her days collecting coal in Jharia, a village in India. She lives with her uncles and cousins, and has been told that her parents are dead, but that doesn't seem to worry her too much. In fact, her greatest fear is the monsters on the other side of the railway tracks. One day, her cousin Elamma confesses to her that her parents are not dead and that they gave her up for adoption in exchange for money. With no reason to stay in Jharia, Valli decides to escape in a truck that takes her to Kolkata. There she learns to survive on her own and discovers that she has something in common with the monsters she feared so much: she is sick with leprosy.

Reading Levels


  • 12
  • 13
  • 14+


  • Grade 6-8
  • Grade 9-12

Book Details

Vendor: Castillo

Binding: Paperback

Type: Chapter Book

Copyright: 2012

Publisher: Castillo

Genre: Historical Fiction

Fiction or Non Fiction: Fiction


Type of Spanish Book: Transadapted

Pages: 168

Author/Illustrator Details

Author: Deborah Ellis
Author Origin: Canada
Illustrator: Srivi Kalyan
IIlustrator Origin: India


Dimensions: 7.48 x 0.39 x 5.12

Weight (Ounces):

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No cualquier dia
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