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Sentada en un árbol, Mina observa el mundo y se sorprende de todo lo que existe. Le encanta contemplar la vida, asombrarse por los milagros y celebrar lo inesperado. Por eso, se niega a ser una alumna que sólo completa líneas en blanco en un examen y prefiere usar su imaginación. Entonces decide escribir un diario, en el que explora las misteriosas conexiones entre las palabras y el Universo.
English Translation
English Translation
Sitting in a tree, Mina observes the world and is surprised by everything that exists. She loves to contemplate life, be amazed by miracles and celebrate the unexpected. Therefore, she refuses to be a student who only fills in blank lines on a test and prefers to use her imagination. She then decides to keep a diary, in which she explores the mysterious connections between words and the Universe.
Reading Level
Reading Level
- 10
- 11
- 12
- 13
- Grade 4
- Grade 5
- Grade 6-8
Book Details
Book Details
Vendor: Castillo
Binding: Paperback
Copyright: 2013
Publisher: Castillo
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Fiction or Non Fiction: Fiction
Type of Spanish Book: Transadapted
Pages: 256
Author/Illustrator Details
Author/Illustrator Details
Author: David Almond
Author Origin: United Kingdom
Illustrator: Luis Safa
IIlustrator Origin: Mexico
Dimension: 7.7 x 0.6 x 5.1