Mama gallina y el pollo feroz
Mama gallina y el pollo feroz
English Translation
English Translation
Mother Hen and the Fierce Chicken
Mother Hen is suffering from a terrible toothache. She needs to go to the dentist, but she can't leave her five children alone, including a small crocodile. In the end, she decides to take them with her to the city, but as she is very tired, she forgets that hens don't have molars! The dentist is very offended, and is not going to leave things like that. Fortunately, neither is the little crocodile.
Reading Levels
Reading Levels
- <6
- 7
- Grade K
- Grade 1
- Grade 2
Book Details
Book Details
Vendor: Castillo
Binding: Paperback
Copyright: 2009
Publisher: Castillo
Genre: Humor
Fiction or Non Fiction: Fiction
Subject: Animals and Dinosaurs
Type of Spanish Book: Transadapted
Pages: 48
Author/Illustrator Details
Author/Illustrator Details
Author: Bénédicte Guettier
Author Origin: France
Illustrator: Bénédicte Guettier
IIlustrator Origin: France
Dimension: 7.7 x 0.15 x 5.1