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Planeta Publishing Corp

Madam C. J. Walker funda una empresa

Madam C. J. Walker funda una empresa

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Sarah es la primera en su familia que no nace esclava en Luisiana en 1867. Pero ser libre no significa que no tenga que trabajar: cocina, limpia, pisca algodón, lava ropa y cuida a los niños, y cuando trabaja, envuelve su cabello en un pañuelo. Un día el cabello de Sarah ¡se comienza a caer! Es quebradizo, hirsuto y le da mucha comezón. En lugar de darse por vencida, inicia la búsqueda del producto ideal. Y después inventa algo aún mejor que cualquier champú o aceite que haya usado antes. Su cabello no para de crecer y entonces Sarah decide empezar su propia empresa. La historia de una niña rebelde que cambio el mundo.
  • Transadapted
  • Paperback

English Translation

Madam C. J. Walker Establishes a Company

Sarah is the first in her family not to be born a slave in Louisiana in 1867. But being free doesn't mean she doesn't have to work: she cooks, cleans, picks cotton, washes clothes, and takes care of the children, and when she works, she wraps her hair in a scarf. One day, Sarah's hair starts to fall out! It's brittle, wiry, and itchy. Instead of giving up, she begins a search for the ideal product. And then she invents something even better than any shampoo or oil she's ever used before. Her hair won't stop growing, and so Sarah decides to start her own company. The story of a rebellious girl who changed the world.

Reading Levels


  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
  • 11
  • 12
  • 13


  • Grade 2
  • Grade 3

Book Details

Vendor: Planeta Publishing Corp

Binding: Paperback

Type: Chapter Book

Copyright: 2020/03/17

Publisher: Planeta Publishing Corp

Genre: Biography and Autobiography

Fiction or Non Fiction: Non-Fiction

Subject: Social Studies: Geography/History/Economics/Civics

Type of Spanish Book: Transadapted

Pages: 128

Author/Illustrator Details

Author: Niñas Rebeldes
Author Origin: Italy
Illustrator: Niñas Rebeldes
IIlustrator Origin: Italy


Dimensions: 19.50x13.00 cm

Weight (Ounces):

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Madam C. J. Walker funda una empresa
Madam C. J. Walker funda una empresa
Madam C. J. Walker funda una empresa
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