Luces negras en la montaña sagrada
Luces negras en la montaña sagrada
English Translation
English Translation
Black Lights on the Scared Mountain
Our friends from Los Sin Miedo decide to go to Montserrat and stay at the guesthouse. At night they go out to investigate the surroundings of that huge sacred mountain full of mysteries, where they say that UFOs fly over. Suddenly, David sees some black lights, which appear and disappear, and then a stone circle; but that's not all... Do you dare to be really scared? Álvaro, Belén, Cris and David are the main characters of Los Sin Miedo, a gang that lives adventures of intrigue in scenarios of terror.
Reading Level
Reading Level
- 10
- 11
- 12
- 13
- Grade 4
- Grade 5
- Grade 6-8
Book Details
Book Details
Vendor: Edebé
Binding: Hardback
Copyright: 2011
Publisher: Edebé
Genre: Mystery
Fiction or Non Fiction: Fiction
Type of Spanish Book: Authentic
Pages: 288
Author/Illustrator Details
Author/Illustrator Details
Author: José Maria Plaza
Author Origin: Spain
Illustrator: Noemí Villamuza
IIlustrator Origin: Spain
Dimension: 5.5 x 1 x 8.5