Los super dotados, los yalentosos y yo
Los super dotados, los yalentosos y yo
English Translation
English Translation
The Gifted, The Talented, and Me
Sam has never minded being a "normal kid" but when he moves with his family to London and is transferred to another school, his entire world is turned upside down. At an academy for the Gifted and Talented, he will discover the strange inconvenience of being "normal" in a community of students who seem to be naturally exceptional. The dilemmas he will have to face are apparently innocent, but of enormous importance in the life of a teenager: what to be "normal" and who decides, why should we all be "special"? What happens when I feel good as I am, but no one likes me.
Reading Level
Reading Level
- 12
- 13
- 14+
- Grade 6-8
- Grade 9-12
Book Details
Book Details
Vendor: SM Ediciones
Binding: Paperback
Copyright: 2020
Publisher: SM Ediciones
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Fiction or Non Fiction: Fiction
Subject: Celebrating Diversity
Type of Spanish Book: Transadapted
Pages: 279
Author/Illustrator Details
Author/Illustrator Details
Author: William Sutcliffe
Author Origin: United Kingdom
Illustrator: None
IIlustrator Origin: None
Dimension: 15 x 17 cm