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Ediciones Jaguar

Juan tiene autismo

Juan tiene autismo

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Juan es un niño especial, no se comporta como los otros y por momentos se siente solo. Su familia descubrirá que tiene autismo y, aunque surgen muchas dudas, aprenderán que con respeto, paciencia y mucho amor, Juan se sentirá comprendido y aceptado por los demás. En uno de cada cien nacimientos en España se detecta un caso de TEA (Trastorno del espectro autista). Familias como la de Juan hay muchas, a las cuales va dedicado este álbum ilustrado con preciosas imágenes que darán luz a esas circunstancias que viven día a día.`
  • Transadapted

English Translation

Juan Has Autism

Juan is a special child, he doesn't behave like the others and at times he feels alone. His family will discover that he has autism and, although many doubts arise, they will learn that with respect, patience and a lot of love, Juan will feel understood and accepted by others. In one out of every hundred births in Spain, a case of ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) is detected. There are many families like Juan's, to whom this illustrated album is dedicated with beautiful images that will shed light on the circumstances they live every day.

Reading Levels


  • <6
  • 7
  • 8


  • Grade K
  • Grade 1
  • Grade 2

Book Details

Vendor: Ediciones Jaguar


Type: Picture Book

Copyright: 2016

Publisher: Ediciones Jaguar

Genre: Realistic Fiction

Fiction or Non Fiction: Fiction

Subject: Celebrating Diversity

Type of Spanish Book: Transadapted

Pages: 32

Author/Illustrator Details

Author: Helena Kraljič
Author Origin: Slovenia
Illustrator: Maja Lubi
IIlustrator Origin: Slovenia


Dimensions: 8.27 x .2 x 11.02

Weight (Ounces):

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Juan tiene autismo
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