El pan de la guerra
El pan de la guerra
English Translation
English Translation
The Bread of War
Parvana lives crammed with her family into a room in a battered building in Kabul. Her father, a history teacher who lost his job and his leg to a bombing, makes a living reading letters and selling the last belongings they own, until one day he is arrested. When the only man allowed to work and travel alone on the street is imprisoned, the life of Parvana, her mother and siblings is transformed. Will they be left helpless?
Reading Level
Reading Level
- 12
- 13
- Grade 6-8
Book Details
Book Details
Vendor: Castillo
Binding: Paperback
Copyright: 2017
Publisher: Castillo
Genre: Historical Fiction
Fiction or Non Fiction: Fiction
Subject: Social Studies: Geography/History/Economics/Civics
Type of Spanish Book: Transadapted
Pages: 84
Author/Illustrator Details
Author/Illustrator Details
Author: Shelley Tanaka, Deborah Ellis, Anita Doron
Author Origin: Canada
Illustrator: None
IIlustrator Origin: None
Dimension: 17.5 x 25.5 cm