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El árbol de la vida

El árbol de la vida

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Charles Darwin estaba convencido de que no había nacido para seguir ciegamente los pasos de otros hombres. Su inagotable curiosidad y su pasión por el detalle quedaron registrados en una multitud de cuadernos de apuntes, diarios, cartas y publicaciones que ahora Peter Sis ha transformado en el árbol de la vida. Humorístico, bien fundamentado y visualmente impactante, este libro ofrece un panorama minucioso y multifacético de la vida personal de Darwin-comenzando por su niñez, siguiéndolo en su viaje alrededor del mundo en el Beagle, y de regreso a casa a la quietud de una vida que dedicaría a su familia y al estudio de la naturaleza-así como de su trayectoria profesional y de las reflexiones que transformarían la manera en que el ser humano se percibe a sí mismo.
  • Transadapted
  • Hardback

English Translation

The Tree of Life

Charles Darwin was convinced that he was not born to blindly follow in the footsteps of other men. His inexhaustible curiosity and passion for detail were recorded in a multitude of notebooks, diaries, letters, and publications that Peter Sis has now transformed into the tree of life. Humorous, well-grounded, and visually striking, this book offers a thorough, multifaceted overview of Darwin's personal life—beginning with his childhood, following him on his journey around the world on the Beagle, and back home to the stillness of a life he would dedicate to his family and the study of nature—as well as his career path and reflections that would transform the way human beings perceive themselves.

Reading Levels


  • 11
  • 12
  • 13


  • Grade 6-8

Book Details

Vendor: Castillo

Binding: Hardback

Type: Non-Fiction

Copyright: 2010

Publisher: Castillo

Genre: Biography and Autobiography

Fiction or Non Fiction: Non-Fiction

Subject: Science/Technology/Engineering

Type of Spanish Book: Transadapted

Pages: 32

Author/Illustrator Details

Author: Peter Sís
Author Origin: Czechoslovakia
Illustrator: None
IIlustrator Origin: None


Dimension: None

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El árbol de la vida
El árbol de la vida
El árbol de la vida
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