Detrás de las máscaras
Detrás de las máscaras
English Translation
English Translation
Behind the Masks
In Mexico there are an infinite number of masks. The artisans who make them are wise; they are true artists. On a piece of wood, plaster or cardboard, they carve with great skill human and animal faces; of supernatural or imaginary beings... Can you imagine? The masks have to do with our pre-Hispanic and Christian traditions. Dancers use them in many and varied festivities such as: Pastorelas, Carnival, Day of the Dead, Holy Week, and in rituals for rain, harvest, fertility and to cleanse themselves of all evil. All the masks in this book have contributed to the magical transformation of their dancers. What stories do they hide? Where do they come from? What do they want to tell us? There is no doubt that masks are mysterious and sacred.
Reading Levels
Reading Levels
- 8
- 9
- Grade 3
- Grade 4
Book Details
Book Details
Vendor: Tecolote
Binding: Hardback
Copyright: 2013
Publisher: Tecolote
Genre: Informative
Fiction or Non Fiction: Non-Fiction
Subject: Latin American History and Culture
Type of Spanish Book: Authentic
Pages: 32
Author/Illustrator Details
Author/Illustrator Details
Author: Rebeca Orozco Mora
Author Origin: Venezuela
Illustrator: None
IIlustrator Origin: None
Dimension: None