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Daniela Pirata

Daniela Pirata

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Surge una historia divertida que se diferencia de la historia de piratas habitual en muchos aspectos satisfactorios. ~Maverick Children's BooksCBC Best Books of the Year (Under Five), 2019¿Ser pirata es solo para chicos? Eso no es lo que piensa Daniela. Sueña con convertirse en pirata en el legendario barco, el Black Croc. Busca y busca por los siete mares, hasta que un día, finalmente lo encuentra. Pero, ¡oh, Dios! Estos piratas parecen ser un poco chovinistas. En particular, el capitán Choppylobe, que hará que Daniela pase por difíciles desafíos para demostrar su valía como pirata. ¿Lo logrará? ¿La dejarán ser parte de la tripulación? Una historia sobre la igualdad y la realización de tus sueños.
  • Transadapted
  • Hardback

English Translation

Pirate Daniela

A fun story emerges which differs from the usual pirate story in many satisfying ways. ~Maverick Children's BooksCBC Best Books of the Year (Under Five), 2019Is being a pirate only for boys? That's not what Daniela thinks. She dreams of becoming a pirate on the legendary ship, the Black Croc. She searches and searches through the seven seas, until one day, she finally finds it. But oh dear! These pirates seem to be a little chauvinist. Particularly Captain Choppylobe, who will make Daniela go through difficult challenges to prove her worth as a pirate. Will she make it? Will they let her be part of the crew? A story about equality and realizing your dreams.

Reading Levels


  • <6
  • 7
  • 8


  • Pre-K
  • Grade K
  • Grade 1

Book Details

Vendor: NubeOcho

Binding: Hardback

Type: Picture Book

Copyright: 2018/09/04

Publisher: NubeOcho

Genre: Action/Adventure

Fiction or Non Fiction: Fiction

Subject: Celebrating Diversity

Type of Spanish Book: Transadapted

Pages: 44

Author/Illustrator Details

Author: Susanna Isern
Author Origin: Spain
Illustrator: Gómez
IIlustrator Origin: Spain


Dimensions: 9.50x11.00 in

Weight (Ounces):

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