Cuca y el abrigo marrón
Cuca y el abrigo marrón
English Translation
English Translation
Cuca and the Brown Coat
Cuca is a very curly black-haired dog. She lives in the street, free like butterflies or the wind, but also without being pet. The cold takes over the days and Cuca stands guard next to a parking lot. When one arrives, she doesn't care if it's beautiful or ugly, big or small? As soon as the noise of the engine stops, she runs to get under it to take advantage of the warmth it gives off. There she lulls herself to sleep, protected.
Reading Level
Reading Level
- 7
- 8
- Grade K
- Grade 1
- Grade 2
Book Details
Book Details
Vendor: Edebe
Binding: Hardback
Copyright: 2014
Publisher: Edebe
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Fiction or Non Fiction: Fiction
Type of Spanish Book: Authentic
Pages: 31
Author/Illustrator Details
Author/Illustrator Details
Author: Fina Casalderrey
Author Origin: None
Illustrator: None
IIlustrator Origin: Patricia Castelao
Dimension: 200 x 210 mm