Ciencia para pasar la primavera
Ciencia para pasar la primavera
English Translation
English Translation
Science to Get You Through the Spring
How do plants know it's time to bloom? How does spring influence your mood? Why are there so many allergies in spring? The answers to many of the questions that the season of love brings and very interesting and curious facts related to the favorite time of the year for most people. An ideal book to learn about interesting and curious things related to plants, animals, love, moods, weather and much more.
Reading Levels
Reading Levels
- 8
- 9
- 10
- Grade 3
- Grade 4
- Grade 5
Book Details
Book Details
Vendor: ediciones iamiqué
Binding: Paperback
Copyright: 2017
Publisher: ediciones iamiqué
Genre: Informative
Fiction or Non Fiction: Non-Fiction
Subject: Science/Technology/Engineering
Type of Spanish Book: Authentic
Pages: 48
Author/Illustrator Details
Author/Illustrator Details
Author: Valeria Edelsztein
Author Origin: Argentina
Illustrator: Javier Reboursin
IIlustrator Origin: Argentina
Dimension: 23 X 21