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SM Ediciones

Ana Zap

Ana Zap

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A Ana le está resultando bastante difícil crecer. No sabe si es porque es bruja o simplemente porque es una chica especial. Ana tiene secretos que se esconden en su nombre de la A a la Z , y si no los escribe, siente que la cabeza se le llena de abejas, por eso los guardó en este libro-diario. Relato sobre la aceptación y la amistad. La magia es parte de todos, sólo hay que animarse a vivirla con amor.
  • Transadapted
  • Paperback

English Translation

Ana Zap

Ana is finding it quite difficult to grow up. She doesn't know if it's because she's a witch or just because she's a special girl. Ana has secrets hidden in her name from A to Z, and if she doesn't write them down, she feels like her head is full of bees, that's why she kept them in this diary-book. A story about acceptance and friendship. Magic is part of everyone, you just have to dare to live it with love.

Reading Levels


  • 8
  • 9
  • 10


  • Grade 3
  • Grade 4
  • Grade 5

Book Details

Vendor: SM Ediciones

Binding: Paperback

Type: Chapter Book

Copyright: 2013

Publisher: SM Ediciones

Genre: Fantasy

Fiction or Non Fiction: Fiction

Subject: Friendship

Type of Spanish Book: Transadapted

Pages: 96

Author/Illustrator Details

Author: Virginia Brown
Author Origin: USA
Illustrator: Viviana Garofoli
IIlustrator Origin: Argentina


Dimensions: 4.72 x 0.28 x 7.48 inches

Weight (Ounces):

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